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Earthen Touch
Gateway to healthy lifestyle...

Beautiful indigenous Gir cow.
Gir is a famous milk cattle breed of India. The native tract of the breed is Gir hills and forests of Kathiawar including Junagadh, Bhavnagar, Rajkot and Amreli districts of Gujarat.
This breed is distinctive in appearance, typically having a rounded and domed forehead (being the only ultra-convex breed in the world), long pendulous ears & horns is the beauty of this cow. 
Hump has a specific vein called SURYA KETU NADI. This vein absorbs energy from the sun, moon and all luminaries from the universe and transforms it into milk, urine and dunk. Milk produced by desi cows has got high nutritional & medicinal values. Gir cow ghee is the best natural immunity booster for kids.
The soft & folding skin below the neck protects cows from extreme climatic conditions
and increases the resistance power in milk & milk products.


Gir Indian Beauty




Thought Behind Earthen Touch

Apart from the commercial aspect, my main intention behind starting earthen touch was to grow chemical-free, unprocessed food, which was triggered due to an incident caused in my life.

A few years ago, my wife got infected by tapeworm larvae in her brain. This was shocking for us considering tapeworm generally spreads through raw or uncooked meat & my wife is a pure vegetarian. Upon further investigation, the conclusion we reached is that the worm egg must have entered her body through the vegetables that are unhygienically grown, along the rail tracks of Mumbai locals.

Since both our families are into farming, we thought we should do something to give it back to the community. Then comes the idea of Earthen Touch which is natural & sustainable farming of indigenous (Desi) cows going back to our roots.

Founder - Nachiket Borawake

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About us

Our family has been farming for generations. We believe that all those who make Earthen Touch organic farm their ultimate organic food supplier will help to keep farming as it used to be.

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