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About us

The Taste Of Indian Tradition

Nachiket Pruthviraj Borawake
Earthen Touch Organic Farms

By profession, I'm an Architect settled in Mumbai.

My family has been in farming since the 1930s

& we are 4th generation farmers located in the

village Manjur, Maharashtra.


Thought Behind Earthen Touch

Apart from the commercial aspect, my main intention behind starting earthen touch was to grow chemical-free, unprocessed food, which was triggered due to an incident caused in my life.

A few years ago, my wife got infected by tapeworm larvae in her brain. This was shocking for us considering tapeworm generally spreads through raw or uncooked meat & my wife is a pure vegetarian. Upon further investigation, the conclusion we reached is that the worm egg must have entered her body through the vegetables that are unhygienically grown, along the rail tracks of Mumbai locals.

Since both our families are into farming, we thought we should do something to give it back to the community. Then comes the idea of Earthen Touch which is natural & sustainable farming of indigenous (Desi) cows going back to our roots.

Why Cows' first...

Cows have been the backbone of our agricultural history for decades. Let’s say in order to make our soil healthy & fertile, instead of using harmful fertilizers we use cow dung & urine of indigenous cows which is the most natural source of fertilizers in organic farms.

As said in Ayurveda indigenous (Desi) Cow Milk will keep you & your family healthy, Bilona ghee produced from Desi cow A2 milk is as good as Amrit. This ghee is the best natural immune booster for kids.

Support Farmers...

We all really need to support our farmers to grow more & more natural pesticide free food & encourage them to have indigenous (Desi) cows rather than Jersey or HF cows. Earthen touch is just a small start to take us back, to use natural produce & I strongly encourage everyone to search for farmers near your city, who are into natural (shendriya) farming & have indigenoius cows. Who can deliver Food grains, vegetables & A2 milk at your doorstep.

Don't just blindly believe or ask for organic certification, most of our farmers actually can't even afford to get one, but they produce pesticide free & healthy food. So visit farms & believe what you see.

Indian Farmers & their Family need your Support

Say NO to processed food. Lets pledge for a healthier & a better India.

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